Montague Bulletin December 14, 2014

MEDITATION: Joy, as the ecstasy of existence is not a mind state, but something that bubbles up continuously from the source of All That Is. Danna Foulds from Breath of Joy


CALL TO WORSHIP AND ADVENT WREATH LIGHTING Reader 1: We light the third candle of Advent. Reader 2: We look to John, the one you sent, to point us to your light. The light will come into our world and enlighten everyone. Reader 1: God sent John the Baptizer to prepare the people for the coming of Jesus Christ, the true Light of the World. John called for people to repent of their sins and to live faithfully. He baptized with a cleansing water and proclaimed the new life that Christ, the one who would follow him, would bring. This Advent, we ask for God's mercy and a joyful new beginning. People : Merciful God, we give thanks that you send messengers like John to call us to greater faith. We ask that in these days we prepare for you in prayer and acts of holy compassion. Forgive us and lead us to your light. Amen. All join together in singing: (tune of Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence) Shine on us, O God of justice; Guide our path through gloom of night; Bear within us Wisdom’s glory; Come to us, O Christ the Light!

PRAYER OF INVOCATION (all in unison) Reader One: Let us pray together: Mighty, loving God, you have done great things for us, and we rejoice in you, our Savior. As we look forward with wonder and awe to the time of new birth, let your Spirit be upon us. Anoint us with the oil of gladness that we may proclaim liberty to the captives, build up the old ruins, and comfort all those who mourn. We pray in the name of the coming child. Amen.

HYMN: (please stand if able)# 223R O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (all in unison) We live in a world that aches to know your peace, O God, a world that pits person against person and people against planet. All too often, selfish desire is lifted above the common good. In spite of our best efforts – or perhaps because of them – we need your gentle love and guidance. Help us to be the people we long to become, help us to live in kindness and grace. We pray this, trusting in your most holy and good name. Amen.

WORDS OF ASSURANCE The gift of God’s love and forgiveness is not delayed, but in Christ has been made a true and present reality for all. This is grace for us who even now are continuously being transformed into the people God will have us be. Praise be to God for this wondrous assurance and hope!

GLORIA PATRI 513R (all in unison, please stand if able) Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, it is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

MINISTRY OF MUSIC SCRIPTURE LESSONS Unison Reading: Psalm 126, p. 535 in pew Bible Hebrew Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 p.651 Epistle: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 p.181 Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28 p.211

A CHRISTMAS PAGAENT HYMN (please stand if able) To Be Announced

TIME OF PRAYER Joys and Concerns Pastoral Prayer L: Let us join in prayer. The Lord be with you. P: And with your spirit Silent Prayer The Lord’s Prayer (all in unison) Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever Amen. Prayer Response

OFFERING Invitation to Giving Offertory Anthem Doxology #514R (all in unison, please stand if able) Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. (Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost) Amen Prayer of Dedication of Gifts and Self: (please stand if able) Holy God, our answer too, is “Yes!” Yes, we will serve only you. Yes, we will bring our whole selves to the effort. Yes, we will sing your praises to the universe. Accept these offerings as tangible proof of our collective “yes.”

HYMN # 120R Hark the Herald Angels Sing


BENEDICTION RESPONSE Depart in peace to do God’s will; walk ever in the light; for Christ is with us evermore, to guide us day and night.(Tune of Amazing Grace) Many thanks to all those who participated in the Christmas Pageant this day!

Please join us at coffee hour immediately following worship
Two NEW things! ONE: We have a Facebook page now. Look us up and “like” us on Facebook to spread the word about our work in the world. And TWO: We are beginning to tape our worship services so they can be shown on local cable television and you can click on a link to see them on your computer at home. Thank You Kathy Lynch for getting us started!! We need your help though. We need a few people who would be willing to be on this outreach team. One more way of breaking down barriers, becoming more accessible, sharing our gifts and building God’s kin-dom!
Pledges: Are you up to date with your pledge?? Call or email Peg Burns to find out. The end of the year is fast approaching and she needs to balance the books.
Choir practice is on Wednesdays at 6:30

***Please fill out the pew card or let a deacon or Pastor Barb (413-949-3391) know if you would like a visit or have a prayer concern.*** 413-367-9467

First Congregational Church of Montague, Trinitarian
December 14, 2014
Third Sunday of Advent JOY
Pastor Rev. Barbara E. Turner Delisle
Minister of Children’s Education: Rev. Sherril
Willis Music Director: Ann Cenzano
Deacon of the Month: Kip Dresser

PRAYER GARDEN (If you know of someone you would like us to pray for please put their name on a slip of paper and drop it into the offering plate or let one of the deacons or secretary Ann Cenzano know of their name. Names will stay on the list for approximately one month.) Tina Wells, Nicole Cuthbert, Steve M., Janice Daysh, Helen Lambert and Linda Ackerman family Advent and Christmas Eve Services
December 14, 10am Worship with Advent wreath lighting, and Christmas Pageant
Come, hear and see the story of Christmas
December 21, 10am Worship with Advent wreath lighting and Music Cantata, Enjoy the Christmas story told in song by the choir and musicians.
December 24, 7pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and Service of Lessons and Carols, includes special music and guest musicians

Posted: to Sermons & Prayers on Sun, Dec 14, 2014
Updated: Fri, Jun 23, 2017