Montague Bulletin April 12, 2015

MEDITATION: When it comes right down to it, it seems to me that Jesus invites us to follow where the truth leads… and to bear the cost of whatever truth we find. Nora Gallagher



L: On the first day of the week Jesus came and stood among them.
P: The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.
L: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
P: We have been given new birth through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
L: In thanksgiving and praise let us worship God.
P: Alleluia! Alleluia!

PRAYER OF INVOCATION Breathe the breath of new life into us, O Lord, that we may fully feel the power of your love and the awesome glory of the resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ. Prepare us to receive your blessing and then to go from this place to be a blessing to others in your name. AMEN.

HYMN: #234R Breathe on Me Breath of God

CHILDREN’S CHURCH PRAYER OF CONFESSION (all in unison) Almighty God, we have celebrated Easter. We have sung our hallelujahs with energy and enthusiasm and have listened again to the familiar and amazing story of our Lord’s resurrection. Help us to maintain the awareness of the great gift of new life that is ours to claim on Easter, and every day. Let the hope and joy of this season give us assurance and confidence to live as those who claim the presence of your Spirit. May our words and actions give powerful witness to our claim that Jesus Christ lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. AMEN.

WORDS OF ASSURANCE Peace. Be still. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Jesus came to bring you new life. Believe in him. Receive the blessing of hope and peace. AMEN.

GLORIA PATRI (all in unison, please stand if able) Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, it is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.


TIME OF PRAYER Joys and Concerns L: Let us join in prayer. The Lord be with you. P: And with your spirit Pastoral Prayer Silent Prayer Prayer Response

OFFERING Invitation to Giving Offertory Anthem Doxology #514 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above,ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

PRAYER OF DEDICATION OF GIFTS AND SELF Ever-living God, let the resurrection of your Son transform our lives in gratitude for what you have done for us. In confident faith may we be creative and courageous in serving you and bringing other people your good news of salvation and new life. Amen.

HYMN: ##489 I Would Be True

SCRIPTURE LESSONS Unison reading: #Psalm 133, p.538 in pew bible Acts 4:32-35 p.106 Gospel: John 20:19-31 p.101


CLOWN MIME SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION (communion by intinction, choose or break off a piece of bread and dip in wine (pottery chalice or juice silver chalice)

HYMN #272R Blest Be the Tie That Binds


BENEDICTION RESPONSE Depart in peace to do God’s will; walk ever in the light; for Christ is with us evermore, to guide us day and night.(Tune of Amazing Grace)

POSTLUDE Today we will experience and share communion as offered by Rev. Dr. Christine Fontaine who is a clown mime. A clown mime communion service is different in some ways and familiar in others. There will be no words spoken but in some ways a service of Holy Communion offered in mime will draw you even more deeply into an experience of the divine.. A clown mime service of Holy Communion: As Christians we often say we are people of the Word and we rely on the reading and hearing of Scripture. Another way we learn is through kinetics or the study of movement, especially as it pertains to communication. Some people get more meaning out of what they see than from what they hear. Mimes communicate through movement rather than through words. Mime is as old as humanity. It is the original dramatic expression in all cultures. Native Americans, Eskimos, African cultures, Japanese Kabuki, and Peking Opera are just a few of the many who used or use mime to illustrate legends. Modern western mime evolved primarily from ancient Greek mime. The white makeup came from 15th century Italian theater. In recent years, as churches have begun to introduce liturgical dance back into worship, mime, and clown mime, have been a part of that experience. Mime uses no props while clown mime uses props. We invite you to join us with an open mind and an open heart for this unique and moving experience. All are welcome to attend and receive.

PRAYER GARDEN (If you know of someone you would like us to pray for please put their name on a slip of paper and drop it into the offering plate or let one of the deacons, or secretary Ann Cenzano, know of their name. Names will stay on the list for approximately one month.) Kathy Peura and family, Steve M., Connie, Dusti Dufresne, Bob and Barbara Turner, Pat Stewart, Debbie Burke, Brenda Pierhal, Linda Ackerman, Felix Family


April 21 Dementia/Alzheimer’s Caregivers support group 6-7pm. This will be a short meeting to allow for the Spiritual Care at End of Life program happening immediately after the support group.

April 21 Spiritual Care at the End of Life program 7pm Please let Pastor Barb or a deacon know if you plan to attend so we can plan accordingly. Light refreshments will be provided.

April 26 Benefit Concert, 3pm in sanctuary AyreCraft is an ensemble specializing in music of the British Isles during 16th and 17th centuries. The ensemble consists of tenor Donald Cotter, gambist Margaret Pash, and lutenist Robert Castellano. On April 26th they will perform a benefit concert of lute song of the Elizabethan period along with a selection of popular early Scottish ayres. 

***Please fill out the pew card or let a deacon or Pastor Barb (413-949-3391) know if you would like a visit or have a prayer concern.

Lu Anne Herrick (413-5422-0454) is deacon of the month for April

See for more information

April 12, 2015

Second Sunday of Easter

Pastor Rev. Barbara E. Turner Delisle

Minister of Children’s Education: Rev. Sherril Willis 

Music Director: Ann Cenzano

Deacon of the Month: Janet Andrews (413-773-0444) 413-367-9467