Montague Bulletin March 22, 2015
MEDITATION And so long as you haven’t experienced this: to die and so to grow, you are only a troubled guest on the dark earth. Goethe, “The Holy Longing”
INVITATION TO WORSHIP One: Whenever in life we turn toward God, we find God already turned toward us. All: God is present, gracious, and good. One: In times of sorrow and weeping, as in gladness and rejoicing, All: God is present, gracious, and good. One: In times of illness and pain, fear and loss, All: God is present, gracious, and good. One: Let us worship God with thanksgiving. All: God is present, gracious, and good. Praise be to God!
PRAYER OF INVOCATION God who speaks loud or soft, often or rarely, in song, word, and silence – in this hour of worship, may we become and remain your confessing people. Make us willing to walk with you through storm and calm, testifying to the power of the good news of Jesus Christ, in all circumstances. This we pray in your name, God, the Great I Am. Amen.
HYMN #202R Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun
CHILDREN’S CHURCH PRAYER OF CONFESSION Creator God, we confess we are tempted to lose faith and even rail against you when trouble assails us. Only in retrospect are we willing to see how you were present with us, working in our grieving, changing our attitudes, healing our emotions, bringing us finally to new life. We confess that in anger, fear, or despair we may resist what you wait patiently to do for us. Forgive us for failing to be constant in trusting you, for being negligent in thanking you, and careless in making special times in our lives just to be with you, in love. Forgive and transform us in the desert of our sin, we pray. Amen.
WORDS OF ASSURANCE It is for this hour that Jesus has come: that all people might be drawn to the cross, to the empty tomb, and into the waiting arms of God.
GLORIA PATRI: Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, it is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.
CHORAL ANTHEM SCRIPTURE LESSONS Responsive reading # 80R, Psalm 51, p 523 Hebrew Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (p.694) Gospel: John 12:20-33 (p.93 )
SERMON The Most Vulnerable and Inclusive Covenant of All
HYMN #233R Breathe on Me, Breath of God
TIME OF PRAYER Joys and Concerns L: Let us join in prayer. The Lord be with you. P: And with your spirit Pastoral Prayer Silent Prayer Lord’s Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever Amen. Prayer Response
OFFERING Invitation to Giving Offertory Anthem Doxology #514 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. (Alternate: Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost.) Amen.
PRAYER OF DEDICATION OF GIFTS AND SELF Gracious God, you renew hope when we feel most hopeless for ourselves, the conditions in our own lives, and in the world. You have shown us in Jesus that there is more to come than what we presently see. We believe in this new life for ourselves, for the church, society, and all creation. With faith we make our offering in Christ’s name. Amen.
HYMN #218R O Jesus, I Have Promised
BENEDICTION BENEDICTION RESPONSE Depart in peace to do God’s will; walk ever in the light; for Christ is with us evermore, to guide us day and night.(Tune of Amazing Grace)
PRAYER GARDEN (If you know of someone you would like us to pray for please put their name on a slip of paper and drop it into the offering plate or let one of the deacons or secretary Ann Cenzano know of their name. Names will stay on the list for approximately one month.) Linda Ackerman and family, Robert Burns family, Steve M., Connie, Dusti Dufresne, Bob and Barbara Turner, Pat Stewart
3/29 PALM SUNDAY 10 am: A dramatic presentation of the events from Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem to his death on the cross
4/2 MAUNDY THURSDAY 7:00pm Pot luck followed by communion and a Tenabrae service moving through a Protestant version of the Stations of the Cross. (scripture readings telling the story of Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, and burial, accompanied by the gradual extinguishing of lights)
4/3 GOOD FRIDAY 7pm in the sanctuary. A service of contemplation
4/5 EASTER SUNDAY 6:15am Sunrise service with Holy Communion on the green in front of the church. Pot luck breakfast follows…. All are welcome! 10am Hallelujah! Christ the Lord is Risen Today! Service of celebration in the sanctuary April 11 Sugar on Snow Supper April 21 Spiritual Care at the End of Life program 7pm April 26 Fundraising Concert, 3pm in sanctuary Deacon for the month of March is Janet Andrews See for more information
**Please fill out the pew card or let a deacon or Pastor Barb know if you would like a visit or have a prayer concern. ** First Congregational Church of Montague, Trinitarian, Montague, MA March 22, 2015 5th Sunday of Lent
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Posted: to Sermons & Prayers on Wed, Apr 22, 2015
Updated: Wed, Apr 22, 2015