Kitchen Remodel

Long awaited kitchen remodel underway

A much needed kitchen remodel is underway at the Church in Montague.  The beginning of June, the kitchen has been closed and work has begun.  The need for new equipment (stove and fridge) has lead to a discussion for going forward with this project.  The dialog began with "what needs to be done" and "how long do we want to get it done".

Different plans were discussed, and the one that was settled on was, "close it down and get it done now".  Issues that were brought up were asbestos floors, upgrade the plumbing and electrical, and install a dish machine (on the wish list for years).  A hood and ventelation system also needed to be installed.

The work began with dismantling the sinks, and removing exisisting countertops.  After weeks of slow work, the project has taken an upward turn.  Recently, the plumbing has been roughed and the exhaust/ventelation system is in place.

The projected completion of the renovation will provide the oppertunity to return to the ever popular Church Suppers, and the much enjoyed Tuesday Soup Day.  With the new equipment the hope is to provide more "culinary expierences" in the Church.  Stay tuned for that.  

The first event that will be is the grand re-opening with the Strawberry Supper.  Strawberries have been picked and frozen, and the supper that usually happens in July will be done in  September.  Keep your eyes peeled for this.

This project has been funded by "borrowing monies" from the endowments given to the church.  With suppers and other various activities, the hope is to repay the borrowed monies.  Donations will be gratiously accepted by remitting donations to the Church, noting Kitchen Renovation.  Checks may be mailed to First Congregational Church of Montague, PO Box 65, Montague, MA 01351