Record Amount Raised for our Heifer International Mission Project

$892 was our finally tally. That's alot of eggs!

Thank you to all who genoursly donated to send chickens around the world to help impovered people.

These fowl will bring protein, allow for an increase in families income, fertilize soil and teach responsibility.

One other bonus is the gift of passing along chickens to other folks in need.

You didn't just give some one a dozen eggs. You gave them dozens!!

One flock cost $20,,but wait there is more great news.

The Heifer Pogram is currently able to increase our donation four times.

Thanks to a geneous grant they can add to our total.

This is certainly a great feat to end the year 2023. May you all have a blessed New Year,

Posted: to Mission Programs on Sun, Dec 24, 2023
Updated: Sun, Dec 31, 2023