Annual campaign to raise money to purchase blankets thru CWS

Final tally is in $1010 was raised in just one month! Thats alot of warm hugs to send to those in need.


Each February the LBS holds the Blanket Drive.

What better way to honor your Valentine then a gift of a warm blanket to someone in need.

A blanket cost $10 thru Church World Service.

The blanket may be given to someone who recently lost their home due to flood, fire or tornado.

It may warm a child or provide a roof.

They are sent all over the world and our country in times of need.

So,instead of giving money to Hallmark for a heart filled card,,how about a donation to our church,

Any amount maya be given. We have special envelopes or you can add to your pledge,,just earmark the amount blanket.

In the past we have raised close to $500.

If you would to see where the blankets are sent, log on to Church World Service.

Posted: to Announcements on Sun, Feb 6, 2022
Updated: Thu, Mar 17, 2022